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Easing the Transition to Your New European Life

Easing the Transition to Your New European Life

A lot of people in the US and other countries dream of retirement or permanent relocation to Europe. But when it comes time to actually do it, they often stop short and settle for more traditional options. Why?

There are lots of reasons: Having to leave behind family and lifelong friends, learning a new language and adapting to a new culture, and building a whole new life at a late age to name a few.

But if you have always dreamed of retiring in a lush, verdant European country and have the audacity to immerse yourself in a land rich in tradition, historic significance, and cultural pride, then say hello to your exciting and rewarding new life in Portugal!

BRINT Portugal

BRINT is a team of international transitional advisors whose sole mission is to help people settle into their new lives in Portugal. Whether you are considering retirement or relocation into a new life and career in Europe, the professionals at BRINT have the knowledge and experience to assist you with the entire process.

Starting your new life in Portugal is easier and more rewarding when you have BRINT on your side. That’s because we can help you with everything from finding the ideal property, securing dual citizenship with a European passport, and navigating your new cultural experience.

The Personal Touch

BRINT is more than just a voice at the end of a phone line. We want to be active participants in helping you build your new life. We value your dreams of European retirement or relocation and will take a personal approach to ease the transition into your exciting new life.

Not only will we be in your corner every step of the way, but we also will offer sensible advice, years of experience and research, and a genuine commitment to making your new life as rich and rewarding as possible.

If you have ever dreamed of moving permanently to Europe, the experienced professionals at BRINT are ready to help you make it happen.



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