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Why You Should Retire in Portugal

Why You Should Retire in Portugal

central square leiria1

central square leiria1

For many Americans, retirement doesn’t offer as much rest and relaxation as they imagined. Retirement savings and social security don’t go as far as they hoped. And their “Golden Years” are often varnished by too much worry, too much debt, and the necessity of having to go back to work just to afford their retirement lifestyle.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. What if there were a place where your money went much, much further, where you could be cut off from the pressures and anxieties of everyday living in the hectic US, and where you could actually relax in comfort and even wealth in an environment that was historic, nourishing, and exciting.

That place is Portugal. And it’s where you should consider retiring.

Retire in Portugal

One of the biggest reasons to retire in Portugal is that it’s affordable. The cost of living even in its biggest cities is far lower than comparable places in the US. And your money will go a lot farther even in an exotic European country where its sunny all year round and that has a rich cultural history for you to discover.

Then there are the people. Unlike many other places in Europe (ahem, France and Germany), the Portuguese are actually welcoming to outsiders. They are warm and friendly and are happy to share their home country with retirees from America and other places.

And the government of Portugal makes it easy to retire. Rules are eased, barriers to entry removed, and the path to a happy, relaxing retirement is paved with the goodwill of the Portuguese policymakers.

Safe, Sunny, and Wonderful

Portugal also is politically stable and much safer than most other countries in Europe or even the world. The crime rate is lower. The happiness factor is higher. And the weather is marvelous.

So if you are approaching retirement age, think outside the box. Think Portugal.

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