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Portugal Has Soccer Fever

Portugal Has Soccer Fever

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porto 6
People in Portugal are crazy about soccer. 

If you are planning to move to Portugal for retirement, relocation, business, or any other reason, be prepared: People in Portugal are crazy about their national pastime: Soccer. 

Or futbol as it is known locally. Nothing anywhere else approaches the madness the Portuguese people have for this sport. The NFL is popular in the US. Hockey is big in Canada. Cricket is huge in India. But none of these things even come close to the all-encompassing popularity soccer has in Portugal.

Wander down the streets of the country’s biggest and most populous cities during a big match and it can look like a ghost town. People here aren’t just serious about soccer, they’re fanatics.

Choose a Team

You will be expected to pick a team to follow once you arrive in Portugal. It won’t be optional. The people that you meet at work, at school, even in everyday interactions will want to know who you follow. Talking about soccer is like discussing the weather. It’s just what people always do.

Portugal has its own league, so you can choose either the team that plays in your new hometown or one of the most nationally popular teams like FC Porto, Benfica, or Sporting. Or every four years you can cheer on the Portuguese national team in the World Cup.

BRINT Portugal

At BRINT Portugal, we can’t tell you who to cheer for. But we can help you acclimate to your new life in Portugal by helping you find a bank, schools for your children, and even a place to live. Our goal is to help make your transition to your new life in Portugal seamless and even enjoyable.

You’re going to love living in Portugal. Picking a futbol team to follow and getting into soccer can help make you feel like a true Portuguese.

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