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‘Let the Buyer Beware’ in Portuguese Real Estate

‘Let the Buyer Beware’ in Portuguese Real Estate

CTA post


Portugal’s real estate market is just like anywhere else: There are lots of good people but there also are a few bad apples. Buyers need to be careful about who they do business with, especially if they are from another country and aren’t familiar with the culture, the language, or the law.

BRINT Portugal can act as an advocate for overseas buyers. Unlike realtors, we don’t represent the seller’s interest. Instead, we look out for the best interest of you, the buyer, to ensure you get the best price on the finest properties in the safest and most lucrative areas.

Exclusive Buyers Agent

Like US realtors, real estate agents in Portugal represent the people selling properties. In fact, their primary motivation is to get the highest price possible for the properties they represent so that 1.) The sellers are happy, and 2.) The realtors make the highest commissions.

Unfortunately, lots of overseas buyers who find properties they like online then call the realtor to set up tours and even negotiate a price. While the realtor may act as if they have your best interests in mind, they actually are working for the other side

BRINT Portugal has only one goal: To make sure you are getting the best property at the fairest price. We also make sure the property you want doesn’t have any legal or planning issues, something the realtor may not tell you.

With Every Step of the Way

With BRINT Portugal, we don’t just offer you advice. Our representatives are with you throughout every step of the buying process. We can even find properties based on your parameters before you even arrive here. We can send you pictures and videos and then meet you at the airport for personal tours of the best potential properties.

From shopping to closing, the experienced real estate professionals at BRINT Portugal have your back.

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